Cambridge Centre for the study of Western Esotericism

Research, Reviews, Conferences

The Death of Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke


This sad news has just come to me in a forwarded email:

It is with great sadness and regret that we must inform our ESSWE colleagues of the death of Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke after a brief illness.  Nicholas was the director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of Esotericism at the University of Exeter, where together with his wife Clare he had built a world-class distance learning institute for postgraduate research in our field. He will also be well known to you all as the author of a number of insightful works on the history of Western esotericism, most notably his books concerning the relation of esotericism to fascist and far-right ideologies. Through his work Nicholas expressed his great love for the history, culture and peoples of both England and Germany, and in the course of a distinguished academic career he brought his considerable intellect to bear upon their respective esoteric traditions. With his passing we have lost a wise and much-loved teacher, an incisive scholarly mind and a jovial and kind-hearted friend.

Hereward Tilton (University of Exeter)

Wouter Hanegraaff (President of ESSWE)

[ link for ESSWE  www.esswe.0rg/ ]

The link below is to Professor Goodrick-Clarke’s Exeter University page